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platinum jublee india

men unable to lead blissful life men unable to spread hapiness tiny germs now killing mighty men platinum jublee india seen men unable...

Showing posts with label weird poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird poetry. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 January 2020

zero india

people visualised rainbow legend
people visualised tricolour angle
but leaders zeroed india

people visualised golden bird
people visualised milky ocean
but leaders zeroed india

people visualised 2020 world influencer
people visualised 2020 super power
but leaders zeroed india

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

standing mango india floored

everyday life,a tightrope walk
within country.a tug of war
civil unrest floors standing mango india

unconstitutional legislations
unconstitutional judgements
civil unrest floors standing mango india

power shifts to war era
third world war coming
civil unrest floors standing mango india

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


india first,india lasts
india first,india lasts

arab spring revolution
china tiananmen square uprising
russia perestroika collapse
world's most time-tested country india

india first,india lasts
india first,india lasts

grainery-rich country india
spacecraft country india
missile country india
world's most  etopian country india

india first,india lasts
india first,india lasts

earth offers india gravity
sky offers india space
people offer india resources
world's most populous country india

india first,india lasts
india first,india lasts.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

not we the indians

high-priests are never family guy
indians are never family guy

when working,one-man army
during holidays,solo wanderer
high-priests are never family guy
indians are never family guy

when peace,no-rain like ban
during war,nuke like destruction
high-priests are never family guy
indians are never family guy

when commited,magic like colonising
during rest,magic like relinquishing world
high-priests are never family guy
indians are never family guy