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platinum jublee india

men unable to lead blissful life men unable to spread hapiness tiny germs now killing mighty men platinum jublee india seen men unable...

Sunday, 26 January 2020

zero india

people visualised rainbow legend
people visualised tricolour angle
but leaders zeroed india

people visualised golden bird
people visualised milky ocean
but leaders zeroed india

people visualised 2020 world influencer
people visualised 2020 super power
but leaders zeroed india

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

standing mango india floored

everyday life,a tightrope walk
within country.a tug of war
civil unrest floors standing mango india

unconstitutional legislations
unconstitutional judgements
civil unrest floors standing mango india

power shifts to war era
third world war coming
civil unrest floors standing mango india

Thursday, 15 August 2019

turtle india finishes last

turtle india paradox is trailing
turtle india paradox is now failing

women pick grains from cow dung
goat milking men consume goat
institutions are collapsing
turtle india paradox is trailing
turtle india paradox is now failing

staples yield is stagnating
farmer suicides are the worst
institutions are collapsing
turtle india paradox is trailing
turtle india paradox is now failing

laws now have shelf life
laws now have expiry dates
institutions are collapsing
turtle india paradox is trailing
turtle india paradox is now failing

Saturday, 26 January 2019

india survives,thrives

people people and people
between peace and war
together yet alone in rally
india survives,thrives

people people and people
between peace and war
together yet alone on polling day
india survives,thrives

people people and people
between peace and war
together yet alone on bandwagon
india survives,thrives

Thursday, 16 August 2018

the other india

india divide
divide between what is sensed and what is not

south india,north india divide
rural india,urban india divide
india divide
divide between what is sensed and what is not

mob lynchings
custodial deaths
india divide
divide between what is sensed and what is not

seperatist movements
malnutrition deaths
india divide
divide between what is sensed and what is not

i n d i a

big country india,real country india

sun-shine converts
fear into hope
out of which
india produces soldiers

big country india,real country india

sun-shine converts
nothingness into aspirations
out of which
india produces sportsmen

big country india,real country india

sun-shine converts
solo into union
out of which
india produces babies

big country india,real country india

Friday, 26 January 2018


fascinating country india
human-faced country india

veena by music
bharatnatyam by dance
tajmahal by architecture
fascinating country india
human-shaped country india

ganges by river
green by forest
emptiless pot by grainery
fascinating country india
human-shaped country india

festival by day
saintliness by night
peace by era
fascinating country india
human-shaped country india